Thema: festivals
"And if you're looking for two words to sum up this year's Cannes film festival, here they are: Quentin Tarantino. [...] Tarantino's victory over Krzysztof Kieslowski's Three Colours Red was a symbolic triumph of a new breed of cineaste over the European old guard. [...] And buried in the special events programmes are a couple of Tarantino-inspired oddities: Z Channel, a documentary about an LA movie obsessive who committed suicide after murdering his wife, and, of all things, an updated Bulldog Drummond spy comedy from 1966 called Deadlier Than the Male from Ralph "Doctor in the House" Thomas. Elke Sommer leads a squad of female killers and, reportedly, inspired Kill Bill." Andrew Pulver im Guardian. Hier meine Kritik zu Deadlier than the Male.

Über die Gewerkschaftsproteste hier und hier und auch in der taz. "It's going to fall down on whether we like the movie. Politics be damned." Quentin Tarantino, zitiert im Guardian, über Michael Moores Fahrenheit 9/11.

"What film will win the golden palm this year? If Tarantino were choosing, it might be "2046" by the great Hong Kong director Wong Kar-Wei, or "Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence," an animated film by Japan's Mamoru Oshii. But presidents do not necessarily control their juries, and last year Dogma founder Lars von Trier was astonished when his three-hour "Dogville" was passed over by a jury that gave the Palme to Gus Van Sant's low-budget indie production "Elephant." Both were said to be anti-American, but "Dogville" was additionally boring." Roger Ebert, und dann: "There are two press screenings of "Fahrenheit 9/11," both at exactly the same time, both in smallish venues in the Palais instead of the 2,500-seat Lumiere Auditorium, where most of the press screenings are held. Since Moore's film is the one title that every journalist in town will feel compelled to view, there'll be an ugly scrimmage outside those screenings, and I am informing my editors right now that I will not risk my life to see it. An arm or a leg, maybe."

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