Thema: Kinokultur
12. März 05 | Autor: thgroh | 0 Kommentare | Kommentieren
- 1. According to your biography your interest in pornography started ex negativo: out of a classical feminist critic of pornography. How did your attitude change back then?
-When I was younger (almost ten years ago) I was involved in anarchist / feminist movement. I left them because : - They didn't know what they were talking about. Especially about porn, they thought they were able to write texts against porn but they didn't know anything about this. They write feminist theories after watching one or two movies and say "porn is always like this, and always like that...". Someone like me is able to talk or to write about porn. Why ? Because it has been my job first as an actress, then as a director, and now as a producer, for more than 6 years. Because I've watched thousands of movies and have an excellent culture about this. Since 1969, about 200 000 porn movies have been directed. How feminists could write theories after watching two or three movies ??? Contrary to them, I'm able to make a difference between interesting directors and bad directors, feminist movies and misogynist movies, good plots and bad plots, etc...
Das Dilemma der klassisch-feministischen (und gottlob im feministischen Diskurs zunehmend in den Hintergrund tretenden) Kritik an der Pornografie auf den Punkt gebracht. Ovidie, Pro-Sex- und Pro-Porn-Feministin - und selber Regisseurin und Produzentin - im Interview für das :Ikonen:-Magazin.
-When I was younger (almost ten years ago) I was involved in anarchist / feminist movement. I left them because : - They didn't know what they were talking about. Especially about porn, they thought they were able to write texts against porn but they didn't know anything about this. They write feminist theories after watching one or two movies and say "porn is always like this, and always like that...". Someone like me is able to talk or to write about porn. Why ? Because it has been my job first as an actress, then as a director, and now as a producer, for more than 6 years. Because I've watched thousands of movies and have an excellent culture about this. Since 1969, about 200 000 porn movies have been directed. How feminists could write theories after watching two or three movies ??? Contrary to them, I'm able to make a difference between interesting directors and bad directors, feminist movies and misogynist movies, good plots and bad plots, etc...
Das Dilemma der klassisch-feministischen (und gottlob im feministischen Diskurs zunehmend in den Hintergrund tretenden) Kritik an der Pornografie auf den Punkt gebracht. Ovidie, Pro-Sex- und Pro-Porn-Feministin - und selber Regisseurin und Produzentin - im Interview für das :Ikonen:-Magazin.
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