Thema: Kinokultur
Das Kunst- und Kulturonlinearchiv UBUWEB war schon für manche Entdeckung gut. Ganz besonders erfreulich ist das neueste Update: Eine Zusammenstellung/Sammlung von Kurzfilmen aus dem Fluxus-Zusammenhang, eine avantgardistische Filmbewegung in Tradition der Futuristen und von Dada, die sich im New York der 1960er Jahre bildete.

UBUWEB dazu in eigenen Worten:

Films by Nam June Paik, Dick Higgins, George Maciunas, Chieko Shiomi, John Cavanaugh, James Riddle, Yoko Ono, George Brecht, Robert Watts, Pieter Vanderbiek, Joe Jones, Eric Anderson, Jeff Perkins, Wolf Vostell, Albert Fine, George Landow, Paul Sharits, John Cale, Peter Kennedy, Mike Parr, Ben Vautier. (16 mm, b&w/color, 120 minutes, 1962 - 1970)

Starting in the early sixties, Fluxus followed in the footsteps of the Futurist and Dada avant-gardes, going against the established grain of Fine Art and Official Art and promoting imposture as an aesthetic dimension.

Fluxus interdisciplinary aesthetic brings together influences as diverse as Zen, science, and daily life and puts them to poetic use. Initially received as little more than an international network of pranksters, the playful artists of Fluxus were, and remain, a network of radical visionaries who sought to reconcile art with life.

Dating from the sixties and compiled by George Maciunas (1931-1978, founder of Fluxus), this is a document consisting of 37 short films ranging from 10 seconds to 10 minutes in length. These films (some of which were meant to be screened as continuous loops) were shown as part of the events and happenings of the New York avant-garde. Made by the artists listed above, they celebrate the ephemeral humor of the Fluxus movement.


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kommentare dazu:

ae, Sonntag, 13. März 2005, 20:47
jepp, tolle seite. meine entdeckungen:

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